Medicolegal opinions

We have provided more than 100 expert medicolegal reports, in the areas of breast cancer, head and neck cancer, radiotherapy late effects, prognosis and toxicity.

Our reports have varied from short enquiries intended to guide initial investigations to comprehensive examinations of the oncological aspects of complex cases. We have addressed breach of duty, providing opinions on whether a reasonable standard of care has been provided. The most common enquiries are about causation – whether a breach has resulted (on the balance of probabilities) in harm, and if so, the size of that harm. This can often involve detailed analysis of the literature, and calculations of prognosis.

We are guided by the Civil Procedure Rules (Part 35) governing the role of experts and their duty to the courts. It is important that we are provided with sufficient and secure medical records, and that the nature of the question asked, and the associated deadlines, are clear. We are happy to work with you in developing your approach and refining instructions.